How can the Mass for the first feast of Louis and Zelie Martin as Canonized Saints be celebrated on July 12, 2016?
/the altar of st. pierre's cathedral, in lisieux, donated by st. louis martin in december 1888
With the approach of July 12, 2016, the first feast of Louis and Zélie Martin as canonized saints, I have received a number of inquiries about how to celebrate the Mass. [Disclaimer: I don't speak for the authorities of the Church, so please consider the information below as a fraternal attempt to answer these inquiries with the information I have, not as an official communication from any ecclesiastical authority].
The Mass in French for Blessed Louis and Zélie Martin
After their beatification in 2008, a Mass for the blesseds began to be offered in France. It is dated “Lisieux. October 20, 2008,” two days after the beatification. I thank the Shrine at Alençon for posting it. You may see the text at I believe that it was authorized for use in certain dioceses in France, but I can’t say exactly where.
For your information, the readings chosen for that Mass were:
First Reading: Proverbs 31;10-13; 19-20; 30-31
Psalm: Psalm 37: 3-4; 5-6; 30-31; 39-40
Second Reading: 1 John 4:7-12
Gospel: John 2:1-11
Prospect of an approved Mass for Louis and Zélie Martin as canonized saints
The Shrine at Alençon confirmed to me recently that the Mass for the feast of Louis and Zélie as canonized saints has not been approved by the Church even in French. I believe that, sadly, it may take a long time for translations into other languages to be approved.
When will the feast of Saints Louis and Zélie Martin appear on the liturgical calendar in the United States?
The optional memorial for Sts. Louis and Zélie Martin on July 12 does not presently appear on the 2016 or 2017 calendars of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. I do not know how long it will take for this to happen. St. Therese was canonized in 1925, and Pope Pius XI extended her feast to the Universal Church in 1927. I hope that the Church will soon recognize that, even though Louis and Zélie were French nationals, their status as the first spouses canonized as a couple and as the parents of St. Thérèse, Doctor of the Church and patron of missions, makes their feast of international significance.
How can the Mass be offered for the feast of Sts. Louis and Zélie Martin now?
An American liturgist whom I consulted suggested that to celebrate the Mass for their feast, one might use the Common of Holy Men and Women, but insert the names of Sts. Louis and Zélie in the prayers.