Chateau La Musse, Evreux, where Louis Martin died in 1894 — Saints Louis and Zélie Martin, the Parents of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
Saints Louis and Zélie Martin, the Parents of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
Their World in Photos
The World of Saint Therese and Her Family
Part 1: St. Louis Martin before his marriage, 1823-1857
Part 2: St. Zelie Martin, nee Guerin, before her marriage, 1831-1857
Part 3: Louis and Zelie's Meeting, Marriage, and Young Married Years: 1858-1870
Part 4: Louis and Zelie on rue Saint-Blaise, 1871-1877
Part 5: The Martins in Lisieux, 1877-1888
Part 6: In Carmel and Beyond, 1888-1897
Part 7: Storm of Glory: 1897 to the Present
The Martin Family Photo Gallery and Other Resources
The lives of Louis and Zelie Martin
The life of Saints Louis and Zelie Martin
Biographical Profile
The Parents of St. Therese - Fr. Geoghegan
Louis and Zelie's marriage medallion
Countryside around Lisieux
Why was St. Louis Martin born in Bordeaux?
Recovering St. Louis Martin's birth certificate
St. Louis Martin's baptism, St. Eulalie's Church, Bordeaux
St. Louis Martin's baptismal certificate
Statue and reliquary of St. Therese at St. Eulalie's Church, Bordeaux
Reliquary of Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin at St. Eulalie's Church, Bordeaux
Visiting St. Eulalie's Church in Bordeaux, where St. Louis Martin was baptized
History of the Cause
Canonization Miracle
Canonization photos
Status of the cause July 2008
150th wedding anniversary celebration
Cardinal's homily 150th wedding anniversary
Cardinal's Conference - 150th wedding anniversar
The Beatification Miracle
Beatification Ceremonies in France
Press Kit for the Beatification of Louis and Zelie
Beatification of Louis and Zelie Martin
The Events of Beatification Sunday, October 19, 2008
Beatification Medallions
Philadelphia 2015
Their significance today
Zelie and Louis Martin, by Father Antonio Sicari
"Louis and Zelie Martin" - letter from Clairval
Saints Louis and Zélie Martin Blog
Photo Gallery
Sites of the Martin family at Alencon
Louis Martin's Pavilion on the outskirts of Alencon
Louis Martin before his marriage
Zelie's lacemaking and souvenirs
The marriage of Louis and Zelie Martin
Louis and Zelie Martin's house and watch-shop at Rue Pont-Neuf
St. Pierre de Montsort, the parish church of Louis and Zelie Martin 1858-1871
Rue Saint-Blaise, Zelie's girlhood home and the Martin family's home 1871-1877
Notre-Dame Church, where the Martins were married and Therese was baptized
Milieu of Louis and Zelie Martin recreated in "Story of a Family," 2008 exhibit
Les Buissonnets, where Louis Martin lived from 1877 through 12 February 1889
Family of Isidore Guerin, Zelie Martin's brother
Cathedral of St. Pierre, where Louis Martin and St. Therese worshpped on Sundays
Those who knew the Martins at Lisieux
Members of the Martin family
Louis Martin at 7 rue Labbey, Lisieux, his home 1892-1894
7 Rue Labbey, Lisieux, Louis Martin's home; the Guerin house, Rue Paul-Banaston
Chateau La Musse, Evreux, where Louis Martin died in 1894
The death of Louis Martin, July 29, 1894
Lisieux during the week of Louis and Zelie Martin's beatification
The beatification ceremony for Louis and Zelie Martin, Lisieux, 10/19/2008
The reliquary of Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin
Pietro Schiliro, the child healed for their beatification
Dedication of a plaque at 7 rue Labbey, Lisieux
Martin Family Bookstore
St. Therese's family
How to Promote the Book "A Call to a Deeper Love"
Testimony of eyewitnesses
Studies of St. Therese and her spirituality
Albums of Saint Therese
DVDs and Videos
Homilies and Conferences
Praying with Saints Louis and Zélie
Join the Family of Louis and Zelie
The miracle of the relics of Blessed Louis and Zelie at Sainte-Therese Church in Metz
The influence of the Martin family at the parish of Sainte-Therese in Metz
The little Therese and Metz: a long love story
Homily "The blesseds: Louis and Zélie Martin"
An interview with Father Jean-Claude Lange
The veneration of the relics of the Martin spouses
Evangelization by couples
Testimonials - when the relics came to our parish
Opening of the Louis and Zelie Martin Chapel
The dedication of the chapel of the Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin
Louis and Zelie En Español
Beatos Celia Guerin y Luis Martin: Compañeros en n
"Saint Therese of Lisieux: A Gateway"
"Leonie Martin: Disciple and Sister of Saint Therese of Lisieux"
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